Thursday, October 26, 2006

Hiro's a Ninja!

Well, since it’s my turn to update my blog I thought I would talk about my new favorite TV show, NBC’s Heroes. I can’t say enough about this show. It’s well written, suspenseful, about “superheroes,” and the special effects make it seem like a big budget movie every week. Add to that the diverse cast and good acting and it can’t be beat.

In case you haven’t been watching here’s a quick rundown: Ordinary people are discovering they have special powers that make them more than ordinary. Meanwhile in the background, forces are orchestrating events to advance their agendas while the fate of everyone in New York and possibly the world hangs in the balance. Whew! How can you not love that? (Have I mentioned that Ali Larter is an online porn star?)

Scripted TV is finally coming back in a big way. Other than Project Runway (which I gave a try since Clare so openly embraced football), I can’t watch reality television shows. Unfortunately that seemed to be the only thing on for a while. Now there’s this, Battlestar Galactice on Sci-Fi (which is another must see) and 24 comes back at the start of the year. I am soooo glad that I bought the new TV, because this season is going to be awesome.

Anyway, back to Heroes. I have to say that Hiro Nakamura is my favorite for the following reasons:
  1. He’s Asian and you really don’t see that too much on network TV.
  2. His part is well written.
  3. His powers are awesome. Time manipulation and teleportation, how can it get any better?
  4. The actor portraying him, Masi Oka, does so with the wide-eyed wonderment and idealism of a child. Not to mention he has degrees in mathematics and computer science, and works for George Lucas’ Industrial Light and Magic.
  5. He becomes a ninja!
In the end, I’m glad we started watching this show at the out set. The last thing I wanted was a repeat of the Lost situation…everyone jumps on and says you have to watch because it’s soo good, but since you missed the first few episodes there’s a hard place to jump back in and you end up never doing so. Well, I don’t think that’ll happen with Heroes. It’s highly accessible, they show repeats on Sci-Fi and on their website, and they do a good job bringing you along in the writing.

If you haven’t already started watching, I highly recommend doing so.

p.s. – If you’ve been wondering where I’ve been, it’s been here. The podcast is going pretty well. Our subscriptions keep increasing and now we’re starting to reach out to sponsors. I will warn you though, it’s not for the faint of heart. After a few beers my friends can get a teensy bit foul mouthed.