Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Da recap, da recap. Wha, wha, the recap.

A few insights from the past few months…

  • There are three things I am proud of at work.
1) My perfect week picking winners for our NFL pool
2) Starting the company softball team
3) Designing, implementing and launching our new Web site.

I know, I’m not sure how actual work got onto this list either.
  • Cesar Milan could get Scooby to kick his addiction to scooby snacks. If you aren’t watching "The Dog Whisperer" on National Geographic, you’re missing some of the best TV on … um … TV.

  • I just read Anthony Bourdain’s Kitchen Confidential. Excellent book if you haven’t read it yet. I had delusions of going to culinary school and becoming a chef, but not after reading this.

  • Civilization is one of the most addicting games ever created.

  • I just got a new laptop and I’m not sure why I never went wireless before. Now I can surf the interwebs from my couch, or from my love seat or from my arm chair. Wait…I did all that stuff with my desktop already. Well, at the very least it serves as a very expensive lap warmer.

  • I’m amazed at how much from my old NES days I remember. For example, in Mega Man 3, holding down on the second controller “down” button allows Mega Man to super jump. Also, in Super Mario 3, you can get a star at the end of each level by jumping at a 45 degree angle right at the bottom left corner of each “randomized” cube. I remember all that, but not how to derivate the area of a circle using calculus.

  • We have gotten worse at executing planned day-long drinking events. Case-in-point, St. Patrick’s Day. The plan was to head to Emily’s (Piro’s keeper) apartment for kegs and eggs, which we did. The casseroles were excellent, as was the green beer. For some unknown reason we thought it would be a good idea to go to a bar, because…you know…no one does that on St. Patrick’s day in Chicago. It went all down hill from there and ended with me playing Civilization at 7:30 p.m. after calling it a night. What the hell happened to us?

  • Shaving my head was a lot easier than I thought it would be. Now if Garrett could just learn to do an Uptown fade, I’d be set.

  • Yeah, you read that right. I shaved my head.
More to come, including St. Pat’s pictures and my Mohawk.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Four Days in March

I'd just like to say that I am currently in a bar, taking advantage of a $20 all-you-can-drink special watching the NCAA basketball tournament. I've already earned my money back and I'm currently trying to convince my buddy to hit on the waitress. Good times.

I love March Madness and the best part is that I'm doing it all again tomorrow.