Saturday, March 01, 2008

Movie Time!

I've loved going to the movies since I was a kid. I can still remember going to the movies with my dad to watch whatever the latest action movie was. We'd stop off and get a couple of personal pan pizzas from Pizza Hut and then head over to the theater. Obviously this is way back when they only sold popcorn, candy and pop at the theater, but I digress.

Movies back then were fun and exciting, mostly because I was a nine year old and I liked watching things blow up. Well, I'm twenty nine now and nothing has changed. When it comes to movies I have a short list of criteria that will get me in the theater.
  1. There better be a fight scene, explosion or car chase every 20 minutes
  2. The hero better be likeable, and by likeable I mean he better be a kick ass fighter, have some kind of awesome weapon, or be a general bad ass.
  3. The villain should be just as bad assed as the hero, and possibly more charismatic.
  4. The hero better get the girl at the end, and that girl better be hot.
  5. The story line should be so outlandish that you have no choice but to check your disbelief at the door and enjoy the ride.
With that being said, there are a few movies out there that are already making me wish Summer was here. In no particular order, here are the movies I'm going to drag Clare to this Summer.

Iron Man

Indiana Jones

Get Smart


The Dark Knight