Thursday, March 09, 2006

ZZ Top

In the past two days I've seen leg warmers on a few women around town. Is this some sort of weird revival of horrid 80's fashion? Seriously, in one case we're talking about bright red leg warmers pulled up above the calf. Of course she had a denim jacket and big hair to match. To be honest, I'm a bit frightened by it all. I refuse to go back to wearing thin leather ties. Don't even get me started if I see women start wearing stirrup pants.

Any, this walk down amnesia lane prompted some strange musical cravings. Take for example today's odd choice, ZZ Top's Legs from the Eliminator album. I haven't heard this song since my cousin Grace used to baby sit me and would let me watch videos with her and her friends. You know, back when MTV actually showed videos? Along with Duran Duran's "Rio," "Legs" used to be one of my favorite videos growing up. I watched the video today and thought, "Dear God, what the hell was everyone smoking/snorting in the 80's?"

Actually what I was really thinking about were the following:
  • I would never eat at the diner that opens and closes the video. Seriously, the board of health would have shut that place down by now.
  • If I worked at a shoe store and had to endure the same conditions she did, I would have quit or sued. Then again if I worked at a shoe store I probably would have quit anyway.
  • There's no way that that many trendy stores were in one strip mall. If they were just going from store to store they should have ended up at a Chico's, or a Dress Barn, or a Culotte Corral.
  • What the hell is going on with the girl's socks? Are those cuffs and ruffles? Someone actually thought that was a good look?
  • Ummm...yeah, if I were the girls friend I would have said something along the lines of, "You just spent the entire afternoon and God knows how much money on this make-over and now you're hopping onto the back of a dune buggy with the guy from the greasy spoon across the street. Good choice."
So obviously, a little bit of different viewing experience than when I was eight.

1 comment:

Clare said...

Crazy pills. The answer to what everyone was on in the 80s. CRAZY PILLS.

Leg warmers are bad, and I'm afraid they are making a comeback. Ew.