Friday, June 09, 2006

May 2006

After a prolonged absence I’m back. I was going to write another uber-blog but decided that it was taking too long to get around to doing that. Instead let’s just recount all that May 2006 had to offer in convenient list form. Now from the top, with feeling…
  • The New Hotness. If you haven’t already read my entry I was poetic about the fallen Crackpod and my New Hotness.
  • The birthday. I’m getting old. Ok maybe not that old, but when Transformers the movie is celebrating its twentieth anniversary, you know you’re not a young man any more.
  • Days off. I had to use seven days of vacation in May or I would lose them. What did I do with all of those days? See the next point.
  • Video games. May’s weather was craptacular so I ended up spending a bunch of my time playing Civ 3 (yes, I know Civ 4 is out, but when C3 plus the two expansion packs are selling for $20 how could I pass it up?) and Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2006. These are two of the most addictive games in history. In fact, they deserve an entry all their own.
  • Mrs. Hutchinson Sharon came to town. After Clare spirited her around town, Sharon was nice enough to take us out to Fogo for dinner. Thanks!
  • The Grand Prix is no more. After seven of the most expensive months in my automotive history I sold my car. It was the first car that I bought and I wish I could have held on to it, but after the window got busted in (after everything else that happened) it was the final straw. At least I got a good price from Carmax.
  • The stomach flu. When you can’t keep saltines and Pepto Bismol down you know it’s going to be a bad few days.
  • Mother’s Day. Hope you enjoy those Wicked tickets Mom!
  • The end of 24. You know, I’d like to see just one regular day in Jack’s life. Something like, he goes to Starbucks, checks his e-mail, mows the lawn. Something like that, only because you know he’d end up killing at least 12 people through the course of it.
  • Memorial Day weekend. My liver is still recovering, but at least we were able to take the cornhole bean bag set out on its maiden voyage.
  • Team America. We lost our last match to a bunch of wanks and then we got bounced in the first round of the play-offs. Here’s to another great season!

That’s pretty much it for May. I wish I would have written more through the month, but this will have to suffice. Entries should be coming a little more regularly though, as we document Clare’s first summer in Chicago.

1 comment:

Clare said...

You've made an appearance on the Ezell blog...along with a comment about your little "attack."
