Monday, August 07, 2006

Return of the Super Blog

Ok so it’s been a while since I last updated my blog. That’s mostly been due to the fact that it’s summer in Chicago and while it lasts I spend as much time outside as possible. What about work you ask? Well, they’ve actually figured out a way to keep me busy for the past month or so, so in-office updating hasn’t been as frequent as I would have liked.

So, where do we go from here? Why don’t I just cover everything that’s happened since my last substantive post.

1) In late June I visited Dennison University for the first time. Clare was there for a Dennis Singers reunion and I went to cheer her on. After a dapper introduction to the group, we proceeded back to the dorm room for a rousing game of Yee Haw! and beer pong (which I must add, I am ridiculously good at). The concert was very good, although Clare thought that one of the other sopranos was loud and half a step flat. On top of everything, I got to meet some of Clare’s friends, namely Jack, Sarah, Jeff and Leslie (yay Leslie!).

Leslie was nice enough to put us up for a night at her place so that we could all hang out. She’s just as snarky in person as she is in her blog, even more so once Clare and her got together. She did an excellent job entertaining and playing host and since I didn’t say it before I’ll say it now, thanks Leslie!

2) Fourth of July weekend was pretty ridiculous. Saturday was spent at the grassy knoll, having a few beverages and laying out. After a few hours and entirely too much alcohol sun we brought it in and hung out at Clare’s place. After an interesting dinner at the Melrose, I proceeded to lose my fastball in a spectacular way.

Sunday was spent out in the burbs attending Abigail Laurel Robinson’s baptism. Let me tell you, she is one pretty and well-behaved baby, so congratulations on that to Laurel and Jared.

On the third (Chicago’s traditional night to celebrate the nation’s birthday), we were able to head out to the Columbia yacht club and take in a good buffet and the city’s fireworks extravaganza. We all ended up with yacht club names, mine was Chaz and Clare’s was Buffy.

On the fourth we ended up back out at the grassy knoll for more laying out and that was that.

3) On July 8th, Clare and I caught Too White Crew at the Wrigleyville Summer block party. This cover band defies explanation, if only because its entire repertoire consisted of old school hip-hop. This deserves an entry of its own, so I’m leaving it at that.

4) The weekend of the 15th I head back out to the burbs and caught up with my old roommate Chris and his wife Cindy. They moved out to Indianapolis about a year ago now and have bought a house out in Fischer. Also, Chris and Cindy are expecting their first child early next year. With any luck he’ll have a girl and when she’s ready she can start dating guys just like her dad.

5) The big trip to Florida. This deserves its own entry, so let me just say right now that I had a great time and would definitely go back again, if only for the chance at a rematch between me and David versus Clare and Sharon at hand and foot.

6) I bought a new phone last weekend. So bye-bye Sprint, hello Verizon.

For those of you asking, “Where are all the pictures?” Well, those will be up at a later time. I’m working on a little something special for you guys, so just hold tight.

So to recap, July – very busy, but very fun.

(Blog updated, are you happy now Melissa?)


Melissa said...

I am now pleased. Thank you, my Asian. You have filled 2 minutes of my boring day with entertainment - and for that, I will be eternally grateful.

Let's get the yacht club together again soon. I haven't seen your fastball hit the dirt in about a month, and that is unacceptable.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed our evening at the club. We must get together again soon. Perhaps I'll see you at the summer house.

Clare said...

YAY! ;)

Maegan & Kayo said...

Clare never told me she was in the Dennis Singers in college... haha. You're funny.

Sharon said...

It's your turn!

: )
