Wednesday, January 10, 2007

It's been so long I think I've forgotten how to do this.

It's been a while since I last updated so to catch everyone up I'll just bullet point the past few months out.
  • Thanksgiving: I ate too much and had fun with the family.
  • December: Went by entirely too quickly
  • Dad's birthday: Woo-hoo! 61 years under your belt. Way to go Dad!
  • Christmas: Clare and I spent it together at my parents' house on Xmas eve and with her family in Evansville on Xmas day. Lots of great presents, lots of time in the car, lots of family and no major arguments...not too bad in my opinion.
  • New Year's Eve: Before leaving for Florida, Clare scored tickets for the Bears game. After watching them lose I think I can think of better ways to spend that $75. Still, it was fun to have something to do that night other than gourge myself for another day.
Whew, with the major stuff out of the way I can elaborate on a couple of things that have been going on. First, I know I haven't been writing much here but I've been a bit wrapped up in The Show and the related goings on there. Once the football season is over I should get back into the swing of things over here at the FooTasian. That sentiment actually leads quite nicely into my second point, New Year's resolutions.

I'm not the type that usually makes New Year's resolutions. I've tried a few times to varying success. Also, having worked at a gym for the past few years I've seen waaaay too many people that have set unreachable goals for themselves. So put that all together and my excitement for the idea is lackluster at best. For some reason though, I've decided that I'll give it another try.

To that end I've decided on the following resolution: I will make 12, one month resolutions this year. I know, it sounds like cheating, but in the end I don't care. Trying to hold yourself to a year long goal can be daunting, so better to break it up into smaller parts and go from there.

What's my first resolution you ask? Well, I'll tell you. I've decided not to eat out for dinner more than once a week. Additionally I can't repeat a restaurant unless I've been to two others since the last time I went there.

I figure this resolution will kill many birds with one stone. First, it helps save money since I was going out to eat waaaaay too much. Second, the restaurants I had been going to inevitably ended up being the same ones I always went to. And last, this will encourage me to stay home and cook more, leading to leftovers, which lead to me not eating out as much for lunch either. All in all, not a bad deal. Plus Clare and I get to go to some cool restaurants along the way.

We'll see if I stick with this one after January, but so far things have looked promising. That's all for now. I'll check back in after the Bears win (crossing my fingers, knock on wood) this weekend.

1 comment:

Maegan & Kayo said...

FINALLY you posted again... the five seconds it takes to check your page and realize you haven't posted was not nearly enough procrastination time for me. (Not that I can talk, though!) I also just realized that I am a superfriend. Yay for me!