Monday, December 29, 2008

Top 10 Sci-fi rated by me.

And now, because my wife challenged me to it, my top 10 sci-fi movies (in no particular orders)...

Star Wars (A New Hope)
The Matrix
Back to the Future
Terminator 2
Star Trek 2 The Wrath of Khan
The Last Starfighter

There were some obvious choices that would probably be on the list, had I ever seen them. This list includes The Day the Earth Stood Still, Alien, etc.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Chicago Weather

Say what you will about Chicago in the winter. It's cold, windy, snow-filled and did I mention cold? The one thing it's not though, is a dark dreary affair.

Properly equipped, it's almost enjoyable. It's a half mile walk to the L stop and Clare and I chose to walk the whole -2 deg weather...and -15 degree windchill. All because we are properly equipped.

People often complain about the winters here, and rightfully so. It can be deathly cold here, and that does limit what we can do outdoors. That being said, it does clear out the tourists and the bars aren't nearly as overrun with riff raff, so we have that going for us. Additionally the entire city looks like a North Face ad. (Not sure if that's a plus or minus though)

All in all, I'll take winters here over anywhere else. Really, if you don't pay your dues with a winter you'll never really appreciate the summer.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Why Christmas gifts came early this year

People I hate

What is it about being on the train that brings out the worst in humanity? Take for instance the chain caller. Like their smoking brethren, they string their calls into a seemingly never ending chain of annoyance.

They come in a wide variety. There are the social directors, those lucky few that seem to be coordinating events more complicated than the Normandy landing (incidentally this type of chain caller inspired today's entry). Is a night out at Chili's really that important that the rest of the train needs to hear about it? If there is a benefit to this type of caller it's that you can be sure to be where they are not.

Other types are the relationship therapists, the playboys and the workaholics. Whike the motivation for their calling is different, the end result is always the same. Please, do us all a favor and learn to use text messaging.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

The new new hotness

Can I just say that I love my new crackberry? I'm writing this on the train as I go to work.

Speaking of work, our authentication system is giving me fits again. Last time this happened it took three days to sort out. I'm hoping they don't take too long with this one, but something tells me that won't be the case.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Monday, December 08, 2008


This is my view at work. Not bad, but I'd rather be at home.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Movie Time!

I've loved going to the movies since I was a kid. I can still remember going to the movies with my dad to watch whatever the latest action movie was. We'd stop off and get a couple of personal pan pizzas from Pizza Hut and then head over to the theater. Obviously this is way back when they only sold popcorn, candy and pop at the theater, but I digress.

Movies back then were fun and exciting, mostly because I was a nine year old and I liked watching things blow up. Well, I'm twenty nine now and nothing has changed. When it comes to movies I have a short list of criteria that will get me in the theater.
  1. There better be a fight scene, explosion or car chase every 20 minutes
  2. The hero better be likeable, and by likeable I mean he better be a kick ass fighter, have some kind of awesome weapon, or be a general bad ass.
  3. The villain should be just as bad assed as the hero, and possibly more charismatic.
  4. The hero better get the girl at the end, and that girl better be hot.
  5. The story line should be so outlandish that you have no choice but to check your disbelief at the door and enjoy the ride.
With that being said, there are a few movies out there that are already making me wish Summer was here. In no particular order, here are the movies I'm going to drag Clare to this Summer.

Iron Man

Indiana Jones

Get Smart


The Dark Knight

Monday, February 04, 2008

I swear it wasn't me

Garrett and I were talking the other day about things that bother us at work. He was telling me that he hates it when, as he's washing his hands, another guy comes in, takes a stall and starts cluster bombing the place. Meanwhile, he's hurriedly washing and drying your hands, trying to get out of there before the bombing raid starts. Inevitably he doesn't make it and is caught in the carnage.

While admittedly annoying, I wouldn't go so far as saying that it's something I hate. At least you're given a fighting chance of getting out of the war zone before the artillery starts to fall. What bothers me more is when you're not even given that chance.

Case in point, last week I went to the men's room to wash my hands after spilling some of my soft drink on them. As soon as I walked in I was assaulted by the fragrance of "eau de fat-guy-from-the-floor-below-us-that-uses-our-bathroom." Well, I figure that I'm already there and I can't unsmell what I just smelled, so I may as well go about my business and finish washing my hands.

Well, half way through my hand washing a couple of guys from another department walk into the same smell I did but then shoot me a look of "Good Lord, what dead animal did you just expel from your body?"

I couldn't say a word. Really, what are you supposed to do? Anything you say is just going to shine a spotlight on your guilt. So I didn't say anything and now there are people out there that think I poop sewer rats covered in week old stewed cabbage, and there's nothing I can do about it.