Monday, December 22, 2008

Chicago Weather

Say what you will about Chicago in the winter. It's cold, windy, snow-filled and did I mention cold? The one thing it's not though, is a dark dreary affair.

Properly equipped, it's almost enjoyable. It's a half mile walk to the L stop and Clare and I chose to walk the whole -2 deg weather...and -15 degree windchill. All because we are properly equipped.

People often complain about the winters here, and rightfully so. It can be deathly cold here, and that does limit what we can do outdoors. That being said, it does clear out the tourists and the bars aren't nearly as overrun with riff raff, so we have that going for us. Additionally the entire city looks like a North Face ad. (Not sure if that's a plus or minus though)

All in all, I'll take winters here over anywhere else. Really, if you don't pay your dues with a winter you'll never really appreciate the summer.

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