Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Christmas gifts

I'm about half way through my Christmas shopping, and it happened again. I ended up buying something for my sister that I totally want for myself. I may actually be good this year and refrain from buying myself stuff while I'm shopping, since I've been kind of a pain in the butt to those that have to buy gifts for me in years past. Then again, I might not.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Tortured by karaoke

So I figured that I'd get a bit of the third degree at Thanksgiving regarding the new girlfriend. What I didn't expect was the creativity with which that ribbing would come. Our holiday karaokefest was marked by multiple lovesongs chosen by my aunts, uncles and cousins giving me a hard time about being away from Clare. Everyone is excited and happy for me, which is nice, although I did have to move into press conference mode with the karaoke mic to handle all the questions in one shot. Other than that, I've overeaten again this Thanksgiving, but that's to be expected isn't it?

Totally missing you Clare!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

We need you to build up to anger...

So I did some voice over work for a DVD my company is putting out. It was very cool and a bit nervewracking being in an actual recording studio for the first time. I think my Christina Aguilera impersonation went over their heads, either that or the leather chaps threw them off. Seriously though, I wouldn't mind doing a bit of voice work on the side. In the meantime I suppose I'll have to make due with my life as a wisecracking, tough as nails, police detective that actually has a heart of gold.

**Almost forgot. The reason for the blog title is that during my recording session I was apparently too laid back. Apparently trial lawyers are bit more animated than I was during my takes and I needed to "come with more anger."

Monday, November 21, 2005

So here we go...

My girlfriend is a bit of a blogger and introduced Blogger.com to me. Eventually the inner Doogie Howser got the better of me and I decided to start a blog of my own. I figure it's only fair, if I get to peer into her thoughts she should be able to do the same with mine. That and it'll help me keep track of when I work overtime at the office since I'll probably end up compalining about it here.

So a little bit of explanation on the blog title. A few years ago I made mix cds for some friends and made covers. Well a friend of Cindy's (my then roommate's now wife) misread the label. It says "sixfootasian," which is my nick name, but instead she misread it and asked Cindy, "What's a foo tasian anyway?"

I guess that's that for my first post. Thanks to Clare for the inspiration and Al Gore for inventing the internet.