Sunday, December 18, 2005


No, not public displays of affection or even personal digital assistant. The PDA I'm referring to is public displays of asswhuppin' and we almost unleashed some last night.

So Clare and I went to go see Eric Hutchinson play at Schuba's last night. Now before I get to the potential PDA let me just say that if you've never heard him do yourself a favor and get his CD. You can download a few of his live shows on the live music archive at as well.

It was a great concert, except for the two girls standing right behind us having a conversation THROUGH THE WHOLE CONCERT! Honestly I would have turned around and smacked them but I don't hit women, instead I had Clare do it. Ok, she didn't hit them so much as give them a "mom look" which promptly shut them up for a few minutes.

Seriously, no one is making you stay. Go ahead and talk about your Juicy Coture jeans and your new Jetta outside where I don't have to listen to it. Along the same lines, after he finished one of his songs Eric dedicated it to the girl in the front row that was talking on her cell phone the entire time. Good stuff, gotta love it.

That being said, it was still an awesome concert and the best part is they recorded it and are going to release a CD of it next year. (and if a certain someone that doesn't like to hear applause on his/her CDs would like a copy I suppose I'd make one for him/her.)


Clare said...

Those girls...grrrrr...I wish I had the gumption to give them more than a mom look. I suppose some people just love pissing money away. It's not like we weren't in a venue that had a bar in a another room. If you want to talk - GO TO THE BAR! It's designed for that!! Who knew? Appparently not those girls.

And yes, I'll take a copy...but I'm going to have to get used the applause.

Cara said...

Bottom line: you and Clare are made for each other.

Maegan & Kayo said...

I personally liked the two men (man couple? the jury's still out) who kept staring at us. And the guy who invaded my personal space the entire night. That guy was lucky Clare moved my empty beer bottle out of my reach so I wouldn't trip on it (Who, me?).