Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Dat Laffy Taffy

Things I learned in Atlanta while looking for Clare's fruit cup from Chick-fil-a...
  • Chick-fil-a rocks. I don't think I can emphasize this enough.
  • A 300lbs. man eating hot dogs and humping the turf at the Georgia Dome, all while nearly 200 marching band members play Run It is what I call entertainment.
  • There are limits to even my eating prowess. Chips, salsa, and cheese sauce followed by a brisket chimichanga for lunch. A mid afternoon snack of coca-cola cake. Buca di Beppo with calimari, fried mozzarella, fried shrimp, meatballs, bruscetta, veal marsala, pepperoni pizza, ravioli, and spaghetti. I'm just waiting for Kevin Spacey to come kill me for symbolizing gluttony.
  • Have I mentioned the Chick-fil-a waffle fries? Awesome.
  • Marching bands are cool.
  • Drivers in Atlanta are horrible. I'm convinced that their drivers ed programs are an N64 and a copy of MarioKart.
  • Every man in America now owns their own set of poker chips.
  • When a friend you haven't heard from in a while calls you in the middle of the night it's one of two things: 1) They need bail or 2) They just got engaged. Either way a warden is involved.
  • Chick-fil-a chicken nuggets make McNuggets taste like McCrap.
  • If blind-folded, I'm 100% certain that I can pick out Clare's voice in a long as her sister isn't in it, then my chance go down to zero.
  • Nothing puts a kid to sleep better than a car ride. It worked in my day, and it works now.
  • Everytime a Buca waiter or waitress showed us outgoing food at our kitchen table, I felt like I needed to tell them, "You did a good job, now go show your mom other table."
  • Children's daytime television may be more addictive than crack and crispy cremes combined. I don't think I'll ever fully recover from "Mary had an accordion..." especially after Lee sang it a half dozen times on the way to dinner Sunday night.
  • Even at 75 mph it is acceptable to try to find a way out of a car if your girlfriend decides to start confessing things to her family while all of you are in that car.
  • I love goooold!
And the most important thing I learned in Atlanta...

  • When your girlfriend's family is as nice as Clare's, meeting them for the first time isn't as nerve wracking an experience as sitcoms would have us think.
Thanks to Hutch, Jennifer and Lee for putting us up and putting up with us for the weekend. I won't speak for Clare, but I had a great time meeting the entire Hutchinson (and Ezell) clan.


Clare said...

I had a great time meeting you around! ;)


Mrs. Ezell said...

Awwwww. What do you mean bad drivers?? Clearly, my pregnancy hormone induced charge to DSW and ABC are not part of that rant!! Glad you could visit. You're welcome anytime!

Maegan & Kayo said...

Gosh you're sappy... but Clare's family is fabulous, so it's understandable. Now, I don't know what she was confessing to them, but no fear - they've heard it all. Usually just before spring break, when we're about to head down to their beach house and/or drive to FL in their car!

P.S. This particular word verification is very long and requires a lot of concentration. It should be called the "ADHDs-can't-post-here verification."

Sharon said...

More "brownie points" have been added to Joel's score card. Thanks for the nice comments. We really enjoyed getting to spend some time with you this weekend. I will warn you, all Hutchinson family gatherings are "eat-a-thons" so you may need to purchase some jogging pants with elastic in the waist. : )

Cara said...

I miss Sharon and Dave! The highlight of Spring Break Travel was always getting to visit Clare's fam in Kentcuky! AND when Ian and I were in the ATL for the Sugar Bowl we quickly learned that (in terms of driving) if you step on the brakes, you're going to creamed.

And as Maegan said, her parents have heard ... and seen ... it all. Ask Clare about her Dad watching our Spring Break video all the while Clare performed to "Sandstorm."

Dave said...

Joel, Cara and Maegan are right! We have heard it all. I had forgotten about the miscellaneous confessions, but they weren't all that bad in retrospect. Just seemed so at the time.
Tha main thing I remember is that Clare and all her friends ate like lumberjacks when they rumbled through Kentucky on their way to FLA.
They were like a herd of locusts. Just get out of their way and keep your hands out of the way of the table!
We enjoyed visiting with you and hope you all can come for a visit this summer.