Friday, February 24, 2006

Team America: Week 7 Report

Team America plays in the intermediate indoor volleyball league for the Chicago Sports and Social Club every Thursday night.

Ok, so let me get the bad news out of the way for everyone. Yes, we lost our match last night 2-1. Yes, the other team was short players so they played five instead of six. And yes, the other team had just gotten back from Uncle Julio's where they were having margaritas. So to sum up, we lost to an undermanned, drunk team two games to one.

I'm not sure whether I'm more upset at the loss or the fact that Ali wasn't at the game last night so Steve and I totally could have drank before hand. At least that way the rest of the team could have blamed it on us. Seriously though, what can you say? We definitely didn't play our best game, the roof and those pipes got in the way more times than I care to count and we again had serve receive problems. On the plus side we rallied back from 10-0 in the second game, pushing them all the way to 15-13 before they won. We also won our first rally score game in recent memory, so that was also a good thing.

With the end of the season and the playoffs looming I am willing to uphold my proposition to the team from last night. Come out and have a shot before next week's game, and if we win all three games I promise to wear a skirt and tighty whities for the playoffs. So to summarize:

Ok, so maybe that's a bit scary, but seriously it's our last game of the regular season and we're not going to be able to celebrate after the game, so let's at least hang out before hand.

As if the idea of me in tighty whities isn't funny enough, here's some more:
Only 78 more shopping days until my birthday. Here's an idea for a gift.

This is why I vote Republican.

First there was Chuck Norris, then Mr. T, now...Jack Bauer.

1 comment:

Clare said...

Blogging in the morning, eh?

And NO, you cannot borrow my jean skirt in the playoffs!

I can't believe what a dumbass Blogojevich is!