Monday, February 27, 2006

Oh iPod, why have you forsaken me?

It has not been a good week for me and electronics. They just don’t seem to like me anymore. Last week, my laptop at work decided that it would 1) stop booting up or 2) immediately power down as soon as it got past the Windows loading screen. Luckily we were able to swap out my hard drive and drop it into a spare shell we had laying around. I still lost half a day at work, but in the grand scheme of things that was ok. So I was able to be fairly laid back about the entire process.

What now has me nothing short of apopleptic is the fact that my CrackPod has decided to go the way of many a Chicago politician and become corrupt. Namely, on my way back from lunch today, my iPod decided to completely lock-up. No amount of resetting or updating brought back my library and in the end I was forced to pull an Old Yeller and take it around back and put it down.

I am now the proud owner of a 20 GB iPod that has a grand total of forty two songs on it. I’m pretty sure I have everything backed up between my two computers (work and home), but my faith in the CrackPod has waivered and it will take time and effort on its part to regain that trust. The crappy part is I now have to go through my work-out, the kickboxing class I teach and the commute home without any tunes. This could be interesting…

I have a sneaking suspicion that I know what happened. After recently uploading music from Clare’s account the CrackPod began acting up. More specifically, only after deleting a song on the playlist from the Material Girl did things begin to go downhill. My thought? It’s Madonna’s Kabbalah curse that’s killing my CrackPod.

1 comment:

Clare said...

It's not Frank's fault! But it definitely COULD be Madonna's...